Optimize Efficiency For Every Cow, For Every Stage with QLF
Unlock the full potential of your dairy herd with QLF liquid feed supplements. Our products are designed to optimize performance at every stage of a cow’s life cycle from weaned calves to lactating cows. Incorporating QLF supplements into your feeding program can enhance rumen function, improve nutrient utilization, and ultimately increase your farm’s productivity and profitability.
Lactating Cows
Liquid Feed Supplements provide rumen-available carbohydrates, through sugars, and protein from natural and non-protein nitrogen sources. Using a liquid feed supplement in a lactation TMR to achieve optimal carbohydrate and degradable protein balance in the rumen helps enhance dry matter intake, rumen efficiency, milk, and component production.
In many areas, the 2024 forage season presented challenges with weather extremes and resulting impacts on forage quality, availability, and feeding value. Use QLF in the TMR to provide a consistent base of rumen-fermentable carbohydrates stimulate microbial protein production, complement starch utilization, and enhance digestion of the 2024 forage crops.
Dry Cows
Enhancing intake consistency during the dry period helps cows transition more smoothly into lactation. Liquid feed supplements are a palatable, nutritious method to enhance forage digestion and encourage dry matter intake during the dry period. In addition, liquid supplements can deliver and distribute needed macro- and micronutrients and additives in the TMR, reducing ration separation and feeding losses
DCAD Supplements
Anionic supplements are valued in dry cow feeding programs to “acidify” diets and deliver negatively charged mineral anions, enhancing calcium metabolism in the transition period.
QLF DCAD products offer a palatable and consistent source of dietary anions. These liquid supplements allow for optimal distribution in the TMR, easy adjustment of feed rates, and provide highly bioavailable calcium and magnesium. Using a molasses-based liquid supplement in dry and prefresh cow TMR’s reduces sorting, lessens waste, and improves intakes of long particles to enhance the overall feeding program efficiency.
Growing Heifers
QLF’s Heifer products are formulated to provide nutrients to meet growth and efficiency goals. QLF Heifer products deliver highly available sources of macro- and micronutrients while encouraging intake of high roughage diets by providing sugars and urea to stimulate the growth of fiber-digesting bacteria. QLF Liquid feed supplements are nutrient-dense, conveniently applied, and an ideal medium to incorporate feed additives such as ionophores, organic trace minerals, fly control, or yeast culture.
Weaned Calves
A successful weaned calf program focuses on rumen development, preparing heifers for efficient forage utilization in the next phases of growth. Implementing TMR feeding with high-quality forages and a QLF transition calf supplement enhances fiber digesibility, dry matter intake and supports optimal rumen development, fueling growth and future milk production potential.